
Raphael De Cock

Raphael De Cock

Ph. D. in Sciences, Biology, 2004. University of Antwerp, Belgium (UA)

Associate researcher at University Antwerp, Belgium - https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/staff/raphael-decock/ 

I graduated at the UA as a biologist in 1997. I finished my PhD in sciences - biology in 2004. My doctoral research dealt with the adaptive value of bioluminescent behavior in fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Between 2001 en 2008 I worked on as a Biologist at the Flemish Institute of Nature Conservation, nowadays called Institute of Nature and Forest Research (INBO). In 2007 I was co-organizer of the first international firefly network meeting at Parque Biológico de Gaia. 

However, since 2008, I work more as an artist mainly in the worldmusic scene, performing in several music and art projects but also providing workshops and courses in musical instruments and vocal styles. http://www.raphaeldecock.be/ 

Yet, out of passion and dedication I still work as a volunteer researcher on this fascinating insect group. I do this as a "honorary" Associate Researcher at the University of Antwerp in Belgium. My “firefly” interests range from taxonomy, phylogeny, physiology, to biogeography, but mainly focus on behaviour, ecology and conservation. I have been involved in the set-up of several citizen science firefly survey projects and the realisation of many field studies abroad (USA, China, Spain). I act as a firefly specialist advisor. My own PhD research focused on “aposematic” warning signals (colour patterns and glows) in lampyrid larvae and on the behaviour and sexual communication of diurnal and nocturnal fireflies. Current topics I focus on, are effects of light pollution on mate searching behaviours and mating success (Coleoptera: Lampyridae); Taxonomic, behavioral ecological studies of European genera Lampyris, Lamprohiza, Luciola, Nyctophila, Phosphaenus, Phosphaenopterus, Lampyroidea, and the biology of a newly discovered exotic species of Photinus in Europe; Support and assistance in the set-up of "citizen science/particitipative science" glow-worm and firefly projects, documentaries and surveys. Since 2018, I assist Mira Van Den Broeck, together with promotor Prof. Erik Matthysen, with her Master thesis about effects of artificial illumination on the reproductive behaviour of Lampyris noctiluca. Finally I am nominated IUCN regional coordinator of firefly species specialist for Europe. 

Results of recent research can be found in my publication list on researchgate. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Raphael_De_Cock


Parque Biológico de Gaia

R. Cunha, 4430-812 Avintes, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal


Câmara Municipal de Gaia

Rua Álvares Cabral 4400-017 Vila Nova de Gaia